Consult Yourself




Who Wants
To Discover   Powerful
 Secrets Of

If you want to discover the Real
Story of Health and Healing
(and how its power can make you stronger
 ), then what are you going to hear
soon is so not-thinkable
that will probably give you a “mental
quantum leap

You see…until now only a
few “fired-up”
secrets have been leaking
out ……

The good news is that from now
on… things are about to change… and this raving
is causing hot streams of excitement among
those that are in the know.

And because your energy and fortune
has draught you on this “insider’s” page… you are now able

Consult Yourself !

You are
in for a surprise with this book .

 .Do you want to know the secret to abundant health and wellbeing .Do you want someone to be straight with you and tell you very clearly, without pages of waffle to get to the point  exactly what you need to do .Bring yourself into alignment with the  person you want to be Have the health you have always wanted As a Health practitioner I practicehealth and wellness so I know what you need to do to turnyour health to abundance wellness . By reading  my
testimonials page you will know I know how to bring real
change in wellness  that effects your entire life .
Health is not about vitamins,minerals and someone else taking responsibility for making you well.It is about you knowing yourself and
how your marvellously created body works and how to achieve
optimal function 
Well after years of treating patients and
being one myself at one stage I came to realise that often the
majority of my consultation time with a patient was spend re
motivating a patient to do what they already knew.
You know to  drink adequate water ,eat good food ,fresh air and  exercise .So the real question is If we know these things already why aren’t we doing them ? And even if you are , you may be left to wonder, ‘Why nothing  seems to work?’

You read & learn.  You buy
nutrients and/or take
prescriptions.  You exercise and watch what you eat.
And you just don’t feel like your health is what it should be.You Can’t Change Your Health If You Can’t Change Your Mind You can’t make changes; because you are sabotaging yourself in ways you are not aware of.  You are trying hard
to change something that ignores effort.
Finding what your body thrives on I really think that everything we do must have something in it for us or we don’t do it .It must make us feel good  about ourselves. To motivate you to good health ,better health is really about understanding why something is good for you,knowing exactly what suits you, your body and  being aware of what makes you feel good . I got to thinking
about it .If I could increase  my vitality could I not spark up
my body on a cellular to better utilise nutrients like it used to ?
So I examine my thoughts, beliefs and  the last few years of life to
come to this realise .Emotional wellbeing and experiences change you on a fundamental level and set up stress patterns that can limit
your potential If I belief that I will get something , inevitable
I have .
The missing element in your health makeover Work it ! work it !
” they yell as you struggle with with that new you
beaut exercise program.
Don’t do it if it doesn’t make you
feel good .Life is about enjoyment .Did you know that just
be imagining yourself exercising your brain and body respond
as if your physically doing it .Gain the mental uplift first
and your body will respond accordingly.

Try this now for yourself .Think
to yourself I have won lotto, really feel the
excitement spreading though you , I am  excited for you ..Now
ask yourself do you feel excited and energetic. What just
happened in that moment to you ?
That’s a tip
.If you feel tired and exhausted pretend ,imagine and be
aware of how your emotions soar. You will instantly feel better and more energetic .I am  start to burn quicker and slenderise just thinking about it .
The eternal youth within So where is that enthusiasm of youth .When you could accomplish anything. Exercise is really just movement and one of the benefits of movement is that it moves your chi or life-force faster. Chance your outmoded way of thinking and light the furnace of your body to rejuvenate, heal and support you . The secret  is about cellular and energy ignition. The flame of life ,the spark of emotion.Now emotions can generate a negative food pattern response .Learn how to chance your reactivity to pre -activate  foods.Combine this with an understanding of how foods support you, what adds spark and what causes resistance in your body and your well on your way to enjoyed health. Consult yourself is your guide  based on naturopathic principles. You will learn what modern scientific study has uncovered   about foods and how they affect you. Some foods  can cause disease  to manifest and others can heal other diseases. You get the tools of health support In Consult Yourself I have incorporated foods,herbs,vitamins,aromatherapy,colour,light
and emotional action to turn your health around .These are
just a hint of some of  the resources available to you
if you know how to use them .
You get  guided
instruction on how to tailor your own treatment plan .
Consult Yourself started with your
personal health card .Just tick and rate any of your
symptoms .As we work through the book you select treatment
options suitable for you to form  the program that
suits you .In two weeks you reassess  your progress and
adjust your program as you master each level of health

.A few  tips and helpers  you will learn 

5 nutrients found in common foods that reduce your
risk for cardio vascular problems

Yes,  activate brown fat (the dormant fat
store you just can budge when on a regular diet ) with these simple
techniques and nutrients.

 End your food allergies with this diet

Drop your cholesterol with these nuts 

-Improve fertility with nutrition

Learn how to address dietary triggers for psoriasis, acne ,eczema and other skin conditions
Learn the  ” how and what” of skin care and preparations
for these specific skin conditions.

  • Cure your Back pain –  Back injury rehabilitation exercises and more

  • Nausea  This herbal tea prevents and cures it  Find out more about Kitchen Herbs
  • Cigarette cravings  follow these simple tips to reduce cravings
  • Cool hot flushes  with these non prescriptive remedies for reducing hot flushes
  • This essential oil relieves depression
     and Learn  how to use essential oils to balance most  mental and emotional states.

  • And Many more simple, yet highly effective techniques  to
    increase you health potential and improve your wellness longevity

And Now the inside secrets revealed Find out the easiest quickest way to self
heal and enjoy the abundance of health, wellbeing and joy
 You can change your mind!  You can own the tools!

friends ! Your Family !
Share it,
enjoy it and live it !

You’ll Also Get   these Amazing 4 FREE e BOOKS plus  the
extra bonus report on Women & Libido book .
The total
value of your bonuses are $30 

Don’t let this opportunity to prevent your body getting in the way of living your
life’s fullest potential

The  4 e-Books you will
receive are.. devastatingly powerful
health secrets like


How to use colour to facilitate health improvements simply and easily within your own home… (You’ll be blown away by these little
secrets when you get to usecolour healing!)

Did you know colour is vibration  ? By changing colours around you you vibrate differently …

Book 2
– Herbal Teas for your health .How to mix and blend ……

Herbs have life-force and energy just waiting to be liberated

Book 3
– How to use Thermotherapy  to facilitate health
improvements simply and easily within your own home…

(You’ll be so relaxed  by easy quick home treatment  healing!)
to use “Hot Lava stonesand other healing tools  toget the sweet relief you may want 

Book 4
– How to see your  future  health issues now and prepare What’s
coming up to you… using
Biorhythms and Astrology of Health and other secret techniques .

Every thing in nature and the universe is on cycle
..cycles inside cycles.