Vitamin Caution
Supplements are great when taken wisely
3 important points to remember when taking vitamins….
1. Vitamins are useful if you require them
2.Supplements may or may not agree with you .
3. Under special circumstances vitamin supplementations are contraindicated
- These are general recommendation only .Please check with your surgeon prior to surgery .
However you do need to stop taking them prior to surgery.
The correct supplementation can improve general health prior to surgery and can facilitate recovery .
This brief outline is a guide only Please consult your physician prior to implementation
Reasons why we require Pre-Operative Preparation
To improve the surgery outcome
To reduce the length of stay in a hospital
To decrease the chance of infection and post surgical complications
To decrease healing time and recoveryPreoperative suggestions
Stop smoking
No alcohol at least a week prior
Drink at least 2—3 litres of filtered water a day ( decreases nausea from anaesthetics )
Undertake relaxation therapy
Be informed ,gather as much information as you need to feel more secureTiming of supplements pre operatively
For minor surgery
Start 2 weeks prior to surgery and finish 2 days prior to surgeryFor major surgery
Start 2 weeks prior to surgery and finish 4 days prior to surgerySupplements
L– Arginine— Increase production of nitric oxide, which increases healing and vasodilatation .Pain regulation 3 caps/daily
Protein powder — Builds up tissues, enhances immune system and prevents malnutrition 200 to 400 grams daily depending on weight
Iron— Only used if iron low .Anaemic patients have a higher risk of infections and longer recovery time 3 tabs/ dailyNutritional support
Timing of supplements Post Operatively & their useTo assist with
Wound healing/Scar remodelling /Collagen production –– Vit A,C,E, Zinc, Bromelian proteins Glucosamine arginine and glutaminePain Management–— Vit E,B1, B2 and glycerol Phenylalanine
Decreases wound pH / Reduces pain perception– Increases pain threshold – 5 Hydroxy Tryptophan 5HTP
Elderly/Malnourished ––Protein powder ProteinFor minor
Can start on day of procedure and continue for at least 2 weeksMajor
Can start when you can tolerate food and continue for 4 –8 weeks depending on severity
Follow directions on products .These supplements are not available via this website.
Disclaimer : This is general information to be used as a guide.Please consult a physician before implementing these recommendations.The author of this site is not responsible for the use or misuse of this information .The sole responsibility is with the user.
To view information on codex and your right to vitamin therapy view video presentation narrated by Judy Dench at archives
For information on herbal drug interactions please refer to Consult Yourself e book ,Blackmores online Naturopathic help or your Pharmacist