Interior Design for Health and Wellness
Does your home environment affect your Health ?
Do you dream of being somewhere else rather than at Home ?
Wish you were on holidays ?
Visual stimuli is very important to your health and mental wellness.
How can you create a pleasant sanctuary that acts as a buffer to the outside world ?
Learn how to step inside your personal living and feel like your a million miles away !
Creating harmonious living spaces is easy.
Create the space you want when these nature views are not on your back door step.
How does looking at the nature scenes make you feel ? Visuals are very important to mental/emotional health .
Interior design is more than colour carpet and curtains. Will these elements do contribute to overall feel of a space they in themselves only contribute to the harmonious picture.
When selecting elements of design we gravitate firstly towards the visual appeal. The colour of the carpet,
sofa curtains and cushions. The reuse of furnishing that higgelty, picklety awkward fit into a somewhat functional unit that we call our home.
The dining room serving it’s purpose, the lounge room our multimedia and comfort centre of the home.
However, rather than focusing purely on functionality and colour schemes ,lets look at Interior design from a different perspective.
Healthy Living Spaces.
I am going to show you that for relatively small financial outlay you can transform a living space into a
health haven that supports you emotional ,mentally and physically.
Ambience and personality are key concepts so lets get started.
Ask yourself
What annoys you most your home now?
Is it clutter, not enough space, feels heavy or depressive, noisy ?
What feeling would you like your home to have ?
Would you like it to feel more light and airy, more secure, more comfortable, more personal, more
harmonious, bigger, smaller – whatever it may be there is a solution.
Get in touch with the quality of your living space. What is the quality you want most ?
Is it a tranquil haven
Is it a cosy hideaway?
Is it a busy fun activity house?
Do you want a theme for example arty ?
Is it subdued or vibrant ?
Get in touch with this innate longing within yourself. To assist you with this remember the last time you were on holidays – what inspired you ?what did you like? what did you wish you could take home with you ? What sounds did you enjoy? Inside or outside -what made you feel good ?
What I am asking you do is not to desire new furnishings or a new house or a house by the sea or whatever .Its about the feeling , the impression that triggered emotion and
desire that is important .
You look at nature picture and feel more relaxed .You hear the sound of rainforest birds or surf and feel more in tune with nature. You feel the fresh crispness of the air
after a thunder storm and you feel clearer.
Creating the illusion
With lighting , sound vibration and ingenuity you can create the same impact in your own home .
Light can make or break the ambience of a space ,be it indoors or out .Please follow the link below for ME lighting to view lighting effects.
When considering lighting effects I would like to draw attention to Salt crystals. Not only beautiful but function they give off a warming glow that also assist with air quality. Please see below .
Other considerations for lighting concerns the seasons and window placement.
Like the sound of surf or rain on a tin roof ? Whatever sound touches you most I am sure you can purchase and play as background in your home .
Let the breeze create the sound – see the links below for Garden wind harps and wind chimes
Quality of air inside the home
Firstly I suggest good cross ventilation .Air needs movement and flow
Ionizers refresh the air in your home by converting positively charged ions in the air to a negative charge. This occurs in nature when we have a thunder storm or at the beach.. For more information -why-use-an-ionizer
Scent is important as household smells can ruin the best decor. Scent also links into air quality and salt lamps are a nice way of eliminating household odours.
What is your favourite scent ? I bet it is not pine. What does pine remind you of ? Lets think of some other alternatives.
Cleaning products and other chemical smells -Try using natural scented alternatives like the following :
Garden – Plant a lemon Verbena tree or lavender bush near your windows. The breeze will carry their scent though the house.
Nature’s Choice range of cleaners from supermarkets and Miracle Laundry wash balls see free stuff page
.Tri-natural are also a great alternative household cleaning range that are also environmentally friendly.
Aromatherapy-An easy way to scent your home .Aromatherapy oils can be used to polish wooden furnishings, on
a satchel and placed in cupboards and draws. To hand washes, linen and drapes just dab a drop .
Suggested reading Consult Yourself – for your health & wellbeing by Leanne Winner
Consider your home rejuvenation a work in progress By the time you implement the above suggestions you will ready to add colour and colour effects, bring indoors and outdoors into harmony,Clearing your environment of negativity and illness patterns
Colour therapy is a marvelous tool that you can integrated in your home treatments You could also try fake stained glass effect on windows. Try applying cellophane pieces or mosaic pieces on windows where the sunlight streams in . Experiment to get the right mood .
Also those lovely Feng Shui hanging crystals throw shards of spectrum lights that is said to bring increased energy and harmony to a space.
As a qualified interior designer I am able to assist you with organizing a more health oriented living space **. For Interior design issues please email me with request
On the point of clearing the home of negativity you may consider some of the options below .
Gardens and Sacred Space
By Alex Stark
Nowhere do feng shui and geomancy come together more elegantly than in the design and construction of healing gardens and sacred enclosures. These are spaces that are closely connected with the forces of the cosmos and with the spiritual qualities in humanity and can therefore effectively partake of the wisdom, knowledge, and tools available to the feng shui consultant. The practice of feng shui in this area, in fact, requires tools than are distinct from the more common approaches ordinarily used in residential or office design.
These tools include criteria, methods, and analytical approaches for the design and construction of sacred architecture, healing spaces, healing gardens, temples, shrines, and graves. Commonly known as yin feng shui (to distinguish it from its more secular form called yang feng shui), the feng shui of the sacred was originally meant to include grave location, positioning, and orientation. Together with western geomantic techniques employed to this day in Europe and the Americas, feng shui allows us to connect the healing garden or sacred structure directly to the power of heaven and earth, to the spiritual forces of the region, its topography and water systems, and to the spirit of place redolent in the particular site. It also allows us to tap into the divine qualities in both the individual as well as the community.
Gardens and landscaping have the power to connect us to larger cosmic forces and to make these available for our delight, regeneration, and healing. Our work has focused on the creation of gardens for hospitals, educational facilities, institutions, and private residences. Whether it is in a large conservation area, a healing garden, or a tiny urban plot, the placement of water, vegetation, rock outcroppings, sculptures, and buildings is intended as an exercise in global harmony; each outdoor space, no matter how small, can be a representation of the larger Cosmos. By connecting directly with the forces of nature, the seasons, and weather, our senses are stimulated and our appreciation for beauty is enhanced. In addition, healing power can be harnessed, and connections can be made to our ancestry, our spirituality, and our history.
All of nature can be understood as a repository for the sacred, so in a sense all gardens are healing places. Labyrinths, groves, meadows, sculpture, and outdoor pavilions can all be used to enhance the spiritual power of the land. In all cases landscaping should be seen organically; the seasons should be respected and can be used for their symbolic and regenerative power; the land should be allowed to inform us and direct our efforts.
Whereas the interior of a structure is conceived in terms of the movement of vital energy (chi) and the disposition of objects in space, outdoor environments are more directly correlated to the forces of nature. Hence, the theoretical constructs and practical tools used for landscaping are substantially different from those used indoors. In addition, landscaping considerations need to be correlated against other factors such as geopathic stresses, the global geomagnetic grids, underground water, and mineral deposits.
You must be the change you wish
to see in the world.
– Gandhi