Herbs that help
This page contains the following information
1.Kitchen Herbs extract from ‘Consult Yourself’ by Leanne Winner
2. Links to herbal information
Common culinary herbs,the ones you probably have in your kitchen or growing in the garden are amongst some of finest traditional herbs used for symptom relief.
Following is a short list of some of these herbs and their medicinal uses.
Marjoram and Oregano
Drink a cup of this tea daily for the following: colic,diarrhoea,asthma dizziness and paralysis.
Both these herbs help correct congested portal vein and liver insufficiency.They also
improve regularity of the menstrual cycle.
Next time you feel down, reach up-for some oregano. It can ease a depressed, heavy-hearted feeling.
Has a warming effect on the mucous membranes,soothing the air passages and digestive tract.Use 20 grams of thyme to one litre boiling water.Drink tea three times a day when you have an inflammed ,sore throat.
Known as the herb of rememberance.Try this tea and note improvement in memory and concentration.
Rosemary also stimulates every gland in the body and helps to regulate their function. Use for epilepsy,fainting,dizziness and acne.
Tea-1 teaspoon of herb to half a litre of boiling water.
Sweet Basil
The tea is used to cleanse the uterus,promote easy child delivery and milk production,said to cure catarrh of the urinary passages and alleviates cramps.
Boil 10 grams to one litre of water,cool and strain. Store in refridgerator.Dose is 250ml glass morning and night.
Calms upset stomachs and helps improve digestion.
Tea-Put 20 grams of fresh or dried leaves to one litre of boiling water.Stand for 20 minutes,strain.
Dose is 1 cup every 2 hours.
Improves circulation, promotes digestion,helps clear the nose and lungs by warming and drying up mucous .
To clear the nose quickly chew a cinnamon stick
Mix cinnamon and sugar together and mash into butter spread on bread and toast under a griller.
Helps with bronchial congestion and aids digestion .Add 2 cloves to a cup of tea .
Helps alleviate nausea and unblocks the sinuses.
Tea—chop 5 fresh roots into 1 litre of water bring to boil in a saucepan ,reduce heat, simmer for 20 minutes .
Drink and enjoy !
Use for sore throats
Boil 2 tablespoons of dried leaves to half a metric litre of water. Gargle every 3 hours.
Sage is also beneficial for all nervous digestive tracts ie irritable bowel.
“ Sage helps the nerves and by its powerful might Palsy is cured and fever put to flight” Old French proverb
Find out more about herbs here on this site Beverages – herb Teas /benefits of Rosebud tea eBooks by Leanne Winner available in store now
But before you zip off to another page keep reading .Research is listed below and a few specific herbal links .There are of course more links on the Useful links by conditions page
New research is demonstrating that Cinnamon may be one of the most useful remedies for improving the condition of patients with diabetes or blood sugar problems
A recent study1 was designed to investigate the effects of Cinnamon on glucose and blood lipids. 60 Type 2 diabetic patients were divided into groups and doses of 1, 3 and 6 g of Cinnamon were added to the diet for 40 days. Significant decreases in blood sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol levels were seen with all dosing levels.
Results after 40 days reduced:
• Fasting serum glucose by 18 to 29%.
• Fasting serum triglycerides by 23 to 30%.
• Fasting serum cholesterol by 13 to 26%.
• Fasting serum LDL levels by 20 and 24%.
Cinnamon will help to support healthy blood sugar, triglyceride and cholesterol levels with all metabolic syndrome and diabetic patients.
1) Khan A MS,PHD, Cinnamon improves glucose and lipids of people with Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care, Vol 26:12, Dec 2003
Curcumin may fight Alzheimer’s Disease
The pigment that gives curry spice its yellow hue may also be able to break up the “plaques” that mark the brains of Alzheimer’s disease patients, early research suggests.
Scientists found that curcumin, a component of the yellow curry spice turmeric, was able to reduce deposits of beta-amyloid proteins in the brains of elderly lab mice when taken orally.
In addition, when the researchers added low doses of curcumin to human beta-amyloid proteins in a test tube, the compound kept the proteins from aggregating and blocked the formation of the amyloid fibers that make up Alzheimer’s plaques.
Accumulation of beta-amyloid proteins in the brain is one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease.
The new findings suggest that curcumin could be capable of both treating Alzheimer’s and lowering a person’s risk of developing the disease, said study co-author Dr. Gregory M. Cole of the University of California Los Angeles and the Greater Los Angeles Veterans Affairs Healthcare System.
Cole and his colleagues have received funding to begin a small trial in humans suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.
“The big question is how high are the doses we need to fight Alzheimer’s and are they really safe in elderly patients?” he said.
The current findings, published online recently by the Journal of Biological Chemistry, add to the body of research pointing to curcumin’s medicinal value. Long used as part of traditional Indian medicine, curcumin is now under study as a potential cancer therapy, and animal research has suggested the compound might serve as a treatment for multiple sclerosis and cystic fibrosis.
Interest in curcumin as an Alzheimer’s therapy grew after studies found low rates of the disease among elderly adults in India, where curry spice is a dietary staple.
Curcumin is structurally similar to a stain known as Congo red, which is used by pathologists to identify amyloid protein in autopsied brain tissue in order to confirm a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease after a patient’s death.
Curcumin can also stain amyloid deposits, Cole said, but it has the additional ability, when eaten or injected, to cross into a living animal’s brain and bind to amyloid deposits.
What’s more, he explained, curcumin is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, and it appears to counter the oxidative damage and inflammation that arises in response to amyloid accumulation.
“It attacks both the amyloid and the response to amyloid,” Cole said.
Because oxidative damage and inflammation mark a number of diseases of aging – such as arthritis and the buildup of plaques in the heart’s arteries – Cole said he and his colleagues hope that curcumin eventually proves useful for a range of age-related conditions.
SOURCE: Journal of Biological Chemistry, online Dec. 7, 2004.
Herbal links
Purchase quality herbal teas blends .These are just delightful
Accolent- dried Herbs You will love this online herb store .Many unusual and weird herbs .Have Fun !
Link title: Herbs for heart
Link URL: http://www.herbalheals.com/herbalheals-articles/herbs-for-heart.htm
http://www.herbmed.org/links.asp HerbMed® – an interactive, electronic herbal database – provides hyperlinked access to the scientific data underlying the use of herbs for health. It is an impartial, evidence-based information resource provided by the nonprofit Alternative Medicine Foundation, Inc
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